9 min read
August 13, 2024

How to Create a Notion Template?

9 min read
August 13, 2024


You can streamline your workflows, keep all your important information in one place, and boost your productivity; by using a well-crafted template.

In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps to create a custom Notion template, making it easy for you to organize your work and personal life efficiently.

Let’s dive in!

How to Create a Notion Template?

1. Create a New Page

To make a new page, click the `New page` button in your sidebar. If you’re on the desktop app, you can also press `cmd/ctrl + N`. 

On mobile, tap the `+` button at the bottom of the screen. This opens a blank page where you can add text, images, to-do lists, and databases. 

Start by giving your page a title and, if you want, an icon for quick identification. To add different types of content, type a forward slash (`/`). 

A menu will pop up with options like headings, tables, and lists. Choose the type of block you want and start customizing your page.

2. Design the Structure

You should decide what the template is for; like project management, note-taking, or personal organization. This will help you choose the right elements.

Add basic blocks like text, headings, to-do lists, tables, and images by typing `/` and the block type (e.g., `/heading`). Arrange everything logically based on your workflow. 

For example, a project management template can begin with an overview, followed by task lists, timelines, and progress tracking.

Use Notion features like databases for dynamic content. Databases can show information in tables, calendars, or galleries. 

You can also customize them with properties like due dates, status tags, and priority levels to keep them organized.

Also, ensure your template is clear and easy to use. Use dividers to separate sections, bullet points for lists, and bold or italic styles for emphasis. 

3. Add Content

First, create a new page in Notion for your template. Add various content blocks like to-do lists (/todo), tables (/table), or headings (/heading). 

Fill these blocks with sample content, such as sections for agenda, attendees, discussion points, and action items if making a meeting notes template.

You can also add files, images, or databases by dragging them onto the page. For recurring items, use a template button by typing /template and configuring it with your blocks.

Once done, test the template by using the template button to create a new page and ensure it works correctly.

4. Save and Use the Template

Open the page you want to save. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Turn into Template." 

Give your template a name and description, and then save it. This makes your page available as a reusable template within your Notion workspace.

5. Publish and Submit to Template Gallery

Open your template and click the "Share" button at the top right. Turn on "Share to the web" and enable "Allow duplicate as a template." This creates a public URL that others can use to copy the template to their Notion workspace.

Go to the gallery submission page and fill out the details like template name, description, and category. 

Include the public URL. Notion will review your submission and decide if it gets listed in the gallery.

6. Customize and Scale

Finally, adjust the content blocks to meet your needs. You can add text, images, tables, and more. 

Use the six-dot icon on the left of each block to drag and rearrange items. Customize colors, fonts, and icons to match your branding or preferences.

For team use, set up your template to allow multiple users. Add shared elements and ensure everyone has permission to access and modify the template. 

How to Create a Database in Notion Template?

First, you should click the "+ New page" button in the sidebar or use `Ctrl/Cmd + N` to start a new page. Name it as you wish.

On the new page, choose your database type (Table, Board, List, Calendar, Gallery, or Timeline) by typing `/` followed by the type, like `/table`.

Add fields to your database, such as text, numbers, or dates. Click the “+” button next to the default fields to add more.

Then you can enter data by filling in rows or cards. Each item can be expanded to add detailed info.

You can also change how your database looks by switching views and applying filters, sorts, and groups.

Finally, save time by creating templates for similar entries. Click the dropdown next to "New" and select "+ New template" to set up a standard layout for new entries.

How to Create Notion Template for Existing Page?

First, you should open the Notion page you want to turn into a template. Make sure it has everything you need.

If the page is in a database, you can make a template directly there. Go to the database, click "New," then the small arrow next to it, and choose "New template."

Open the page, select everything (`Ctrl + A`), and copy it (`Ctrl + C`). Go to your new template in the database and paste it (`Ctrl + V`).

Click "Back" to save. Now, you can use this template for new pages in that database. On the existing page, type `/template` and select "Template button." 

Name it and drag your content into the setup area. You can now add this template to any page by clicking the button.

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